
MUASC currently Operates under three blanket Public Certificate of Authorizations (COA). All three are currently for sUAS (under 55 pounds).

  • Class D COA at Alpena County Regional Airport (APN) - 2,500’ AGL
  • Class D COA at Willow Run Airport (YIP) – 2,300’ AGL
  • Class G COA – Nation Wide – 1,200’ AGL (except where Class G is limited to lower altitudes.)

MUASC has access to Special Use Airspace and an air-to-ground range for DOD related development and research projects

MUASC can process expedited COA applications for tailored platforms and profiles through a large NAS complex consisting of airspace blocks in excess of 11,000 square miles. The COA applications enjoy the prioritization afforded only to the FAA designated test sites and can include platforms of any size and at any altitude including above FL600.